Monday, February 25, 2013

Busy, Busy, Busy

Last week Drew was out of town so I had to hold down the fort while he was doing some training for work. I had to wake up earlier than normal to let the dogs out and do their business and get them situated. I called in sick Monday however because I felt like someone punched me all over and I couldn’t seem to get enough sleep. I work Monday through Friday and my school schedule is Tuesdays and Thursdays from 12-1 and 6-8:30. Between classes I workout, eat, study and/or work on my paper. Right now I’m trying to eat less sugar and increase the intensity of my workouts. I run between 3-6 miles per day but with school I’m finding I have less time to get my mileage in. So I’m trying to significantly alter my diet (less sugar, more protein, more fruits and veggies) and increase intensity. So far its working and I’ve noticed a 3 lb. weight loss on the scale. So that’s nice. Back to my week – last week was busy. This paper is getting to me man. I just want to get it DONE. It’s a paper I should have finished 5 years ago but didn’t and they are letting me sit in the class and write the paper. So I’ve been busting my butt to get it done but currently I’m at a bit of a mental roadblock with it. So, that’s where I’m at with that. Paper, want to be done. Tax Accounting – my first test this Thursday and I’m ready to see how I do because the way he words his tests is confusing.  On the home front, last week I also redecorated the back two bedrooms. I got the sheets, curtains, and duvet in the mail and went to town. They look so much better. I’ll post pictures later since I don’t have any right now.
Last Wednesday Drew’s Aunt Elizabeth died. He loved her very much and I felt terrible for him. But she’s out of suffering now and I’m glad that she’s now in heaven. He flew home Thursday night (instead of Friday morning) for the funeral. My MIL came in town for the funeral and afterwards we went to dinner at Sidelines and met my Dad there for some wings and beer.
Saturday Drew and I went to a thrift store and I finally found my sewing machine! He cleaned it up for me and fixed the bobbin and now it’s as good as new. We had lunch (shrimp salads at Oyster Barn…mmmmm!), an antique shop where my grandmother has some of her items and then to NAS to the museum. I really enjoyed the new displays they have, especially the Bob Hope display. After that we went to Mama Sue’s house to get an antique chair she gave me…it was my great grandmother’s (Mama Ruby) and it’s probably 50+ years old!
Yesterday we skipped church (bad!) and were lazy for a while but then I got my butt moving and went grocery shopping, cleaned the house, made Pioneer Woman’s beef stew , played with my sewing machine and studied until late last night. Drew mowed the lawn and organized some stuff in his shop.  It was a fun, productive weekend.

Our Date Night

Our Date Night
Last Friday we celebrated Valentine’s Day by going to Carrabbas and a hockey game. We had a great time and even spotted Clark Kent. The dude looked just like him! I snuck a picture but it doesn’t do him justice so just imagine Super Man on the front row. We decided blueberry snow cones are by far the best flavored snow cones and coffee at the civic center is not so good. Enlisted military guys are funny….4 of them had dry erase boards with the opposing team’s goal keeper’s name on it and they were yelling out how bad he sucks. Turns out they had the wrong name. Oops! They quickly changed the name and continued to yell at him when they realized their mistake.

Saturday we went to breakfast with my family and then I went with Sonthe to take Buddy to the playground. That evening we sold our tile saw (yay! One less thing in the garage!) and then we went out for Mexican food (mmmmm quesadillas).
Sunday I had to bring Drew to the airport early in the morning. He had to be there at 7:15 so we left around 6:45. I went to church after that and I was the only young person there but I loved it! Old, traditional hymns and a very quiet service. I signed up for a life group that starts this Wednesday and I’m excited about it. It’s an all women’s group and it lasts until the beginning of summer. After that I went home and cleaned, organized and got rid of a bunch of stuff. It felt awesome. I busted my butt and it showed after I was done. Of course I missed Drew – I hate when he has to leave town but it definitely made me productive that day since I was forced to get up early.
Overall it was a wonderful weekend!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Testing Testing 1 2 3

I'm trying out the old blog-a-roo to document Drew and I's life together. Exciting. HA!
Drew and I are going on our Valentine's Day date tonight to Carrabbas and then to the Ice Flyers game. I haven't been to a hockey game in a long time. Lauren and Ben may join us as well so I'm looking forward to a nice evening!

Last night I stayed in the computer lab until 8:45 working on my paper. It's taken over my life lately and I'm over it. But I'm wanting to get it done more than I'm over it so I'm powering through. When I got home Drew had put a really nice card and candy (dark chocolate with raspberry - he knows me well!) on the kitchen counter. We exchanged gifts and talked a little before we went to bed. Actual Valentine's Day was pretty boring but I'm excited about tonight!

And in the spirit of randomness, I'm still not over the Downton Abbey surprise from Season 3 Episode 5. Heartbreaker. Come on Downton Abbey, Lady Sybil?! Realllly?? I haven't even watched Episode 6 yet because I'm still mad at the show for that little number.